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This education part is for registered users and presents all 4 aspects of the learning structure and their main objectives. Each learning structure focuses on a specific issue and a result for that issues, new technology and how to use it and latest information on a specific topic.

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Competencies (that you can gain from the developed content) and methodologies (suggested to be used) are a part of the document. The type of methodology suggested is Backward Design Methodology, with an explanation of learning goals, outcomes and assessments derived from the learning topics.

Learning topics



What is happening in nowadays agriculture?

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IT in Agriculture

Introduction to the principles of smart mart and precision agriculture.

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Environment & Circular economy

Understanding the concepts of sustainable agriculture.

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Legislative Framework

To explain the current situation and the existing legislation framework.

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Final exam

TEST & Certificate

Pass the test and get certificate


1 - Agriculture

What is happening in nowadays agriculture?

To understand what is happening in nowadays agriculture i.e. to understand how different countries are producing food, what type of technologies are used during the process of food production and what are the pros and cons of today agricultural production processes regarding the society, environment and the livelihood in the rural areas.

Chemical and fertilizers usage in agriculture

This section will present facts and figures about the global chemical and fertilizer usage in agriculture with special focus on the European agricultural production.

How agriculture should look in the near future?

Introduction of the European Green Deal, Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and UN Sustainable development goals with special focus on innovative agricultural production system as a tool for achieving prosperous, healthy and environmental-friendly urban and rural societies.

2 - IT in Agriculture

Smart agriculture and implementation of sensors

Introduction to the principles of smart agriculture and description of digital sensors that can be potentially implemented in the agricultural production systems for decision support in the decision-making processes.

Aerial imagery (UAV or Satellite based monitoring)

Describing the potential impact and the concepts of UAV and satellite based monitoring of crops health, disease and pest pressures, soil parameters and agricultural machines.

Precision agriculture (PA)

Presenting the theoretical and the practical part of implementation of PA principles and technologies in different types of agricultural production systems.

  1. Soil cultivation under the principles of PA
    Understanding of the principles of PA regarding soil cultivation, its impacts and the benefits of using such principles.
  2. Sowing under the principles of PA
    To explain the aims, pros and cons of prescription sowing and planting under variable site-specific management zones and required agricultural mechanization and technologies.
  3. Fertilizing under the principles of PA
    Introduction to fertilizing activities under the principles of PA with attention to variable rate application of fertilizers and needed agricultural mechanization and technologies.
  4. Crop protection under the principles of PA
    Explaining the importance and benefits of implementation of Integrated Pest Management with the support of precision agricultural technologies as a tool for mitigating the negative effects of the climate changes.
  5. Yield mapping
    Introduction to yield mapping and the utilization of yield maps for improvement of agricultural production.

Software and models for decision support in agriculture

Introduction to PA software and different kind of prediction models (pest, diseases, irrigation, costs etc.) for decision support in decision-making processes.

3 -Environment & circular economy

Sustainable agriculture

Understanding the concepts of sustainable agriculture and its benefits.

  1. Sustainable development goals
    Detailed explanation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and their status.
  2. European Green Deal
    Detailed explanation of the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy.

Environmental impact of fertilizers and pesticides

Explanation of the current impact of application of mineral fertilizers and chemical pesticides on the biome, soil, water and the environment.

Circular economy

Introduction of the principles of the circular economy and its importance in the process of achieving the SDGs and the European Green Deal aims.

4 - Legislative framework

The regulation and legislation framework of fertilizers

To explain the current situation and the existing legislation framework regarding the usage of fertilizers across Europe.